Monday, December 31, 2007

Alyssa Azrein - 11 May 2006

Photo 1 : One of the earliest photos of Aly

This blog will hopefully record the accounts of the life of my daughter Alyssa (herinafter refered to as Aly). This will be done either through words or photos. I have been wanting to create this blog since the day Aly was born, but due to circumstances and procastination it has taken over 14 months to come online. Anyway, finally, I have started what should be a journal of Aly.

Aly was born on the 7th of March 2005 at Damansara Specialist Hospital, Damansara, Malaysia. She was delivered naturally but caused some problems as she was facing the wrong way (down instead of up) when being delivered. (Aly, this caused extra pain for Mommy).

As I have mentioned earlier, this blog is over a year delayed. In the past year Aly has gone through many-many changes. She can now already walk, talk (limited to such words as dah-dee, mah-mee, NO!!, etc), run and even rebel.

For my own records and hopefully for Aly in the future, I will try to update this blog as often as possible.

All italics in this blog will be 'conversations' with Aly. Also this first post is dated such to ensure it will always be the first post.

Aly's Dad
Dear Aly,
Please don't blame Daddy for gaps in the blog. I might miss some events but I promise to try to update your blog as often as possible.


Friday, July 06, 2007

Aly's 2nd Birthday

Aly's 2nd Birthday was in early March this year. It was held at our current residence, Andalucia@Pantai Hillpark. Aly, Im so sorry I havent updated this Blog often enough. I will try to update more often from now on.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

ABC... 123...

1,2,3,4,5...8,9,10... Aly can resonably count to 10 now. Also her alphabets are improving. Its more ABCONMLSTUVWXYZ but she's getting there..

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Short Update

Dear Aly,
Daddy has been so so busy and haven't had time to update your blog or mine. Now that I have a bit of time I will.

In the last few months since the last posting Aly has grown into a talkative baby. She can construct short broken sentences but sufficient for her mommy and daddy to understand. She can also run and loves to hide.

Anyway, attached are a few pictures of Aly in the last few months. No changes in the way she looks except that Aly is now taller and less plump. As for the hair, there is a slight sign of hairgrowth.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Aly is Away

Alyssa is currently away in Singapore with her mom, grandmother and grandaunt. Aly left yesterday for a 3-day holiday without her dad.

Monday, June 05, 2006

A sick baby

Aly has been sick the last 3-4 days. This is the first time she has actually been down with something. On the first night of her sickness she wokeup 6 times to throw up. This was followed by a few days of diarhea. Thakfully she is back to her laughing, smiling self.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Daddy's Little Girl

Aly now officially behaves like Daddy's Little Girl. As of Sunday, it has been Daddy this and Daddy that... She only wants Daddy to feed her whenever I'm around. Also whenever I call home she wants to 'talk' to me. Kisses are also 'easier' to get from her. Previously, I practically had to beg her for a kiss, now, she kisses Daddy out of the blue.

Last Sunday we took Aly to The Curve for lunch. This was the first time she would go out wearing a cap. Usually she would immediately remove a cap or hat put on her head. Whilst we were at Ikano Aly took photos for a baby competition. Initially, Aly wouldn't smile but after awhile it wasn't an issue anymore. Hopefully, she does well in her first competition.

All photos were taken at The Curve on 21/05/06